okay. lots of backlog to clear.
i'll blog abt new year's eve.
den the badminton gathering.
okay no.
i haf to do the 4/3 class outing first.
den new year's eve.
den the badminton gathering
den the pending stuff.
4/3 class gathering was on the 30th of december. sunday.
hahaha...we just had to meet before the "men" enlisted...
hahaha...n we had seoul garden..oh man...it was freaking ex and the beginning of my financial woes man...
lots of pictures but i gotta upload them at home coz i'm at the office now. heh.
oh..and i bought new sneakers that day!!!!
on my way to work!!!!
they're so nice!!!!
it wasn't on my way to work.
its supposed to be on my way to meet cheryl.
hmmmm...most of the guys look and behave the same as they did 18 years ago.
okay. not really.
juz a normal class gathering..
no scandals..
not much gossiping mainly due to the people who were present but more so due to the people who were NOT present.
ohmygawd my job is so boring i am going to die.
haha. random but true.
but attendance was rather weak, annie, hui hui, xian yee, mengqi, peiyan weren't there...so there goes my usual crowd of friends....
jasmine tan, hazel weren't there but peishan and sokleng turned up..
so i still haf some of my teammates...
cheryl and mei qi were there...i had some company...netballers.
all the guys turned up except jason and heiwai which is really sad because i sat between the both of them in school!!!
but there was david!!! but he was rather preoccupied..hahaha...
ohmytian, i'm so jealous peiyan is slacking at work because her boss is not around and i'm bounded by my stupid new year resolution!!!!
i am stupid bored and miserable!!!!
i shall think about revoking my new year resolution.
den nicole layshan and jasmine ang was there as well...and thats about all..

heh. this was halfway through the meal. check out everyone's tummy!!! hahaha!!!

haha...kangsheng has really long arms!!!!

small eyes club

david is quite fit now..hahaha...

me n cher =)

me.kang sheng. layshan. jas-ang

sok leng n pei shan...

neighbours!!! plus pri school classmates plus secondary school classmates plus teammates..
hahaha...long history.

meiqi me syamil shahid.

the leftovers. heh.
okay meng i can't think of anything to say but u noe who i want dead. =)oh ya!!!
n i haf to blog abt my pre u sem mini outing as well before i blog about the badminton gathering.
yup, so like less than half the class was there but its okay i guess...
i'm so good at self entertaining and entertaining everyone else at the same time i enjoyed myself quite abit. of course i ignored all the right people...hahaha.
but i more or less turned up in the same picture at least once with everyone..hahaha..
okay. pictures after i get home.
den came the new year's eve countdown!!!
hahaha...denise wanted to go clubbin at mos but me n zhiqi were so super broke we decided to head down to esplanade to watch fireworks!!!!
and initially i thought it was going to be pretty boring because there were only the two of us den meng decided to join us last minute!!!!
okay real funny combi coz meng was my friend in the css council board and sec 3/4 classmate and favourite tabloid news reporter whereas zhiqi was my sec 1/2 classmate and co class com member..
so yup.
the two of them were really "funny"!!!!
inside joke for me!!!
but after we got to esplanade i decided to haf a realli bad chocolate cravings!!!!
so we went to this realli nice and delicious place called max brenner's i think at esplanade and idulge ourselves using my daddy's credit card!!!!
the cookies and cream frap is super duper delicious. and comforting.
the banana and chocolate thingy i drank was super exotic....oooooh....
and the strawberry float was juz so pretty and nice!!!!
and they serve in such pretty and cute mugs!!!
and the straws are made of metal and if i poked you with one i'll haf a stripe of your flesh!!!
so becareful when u drink!!!
and then we had this wonderful and delicious fondue where they gave us a plate of strawverries and bananas and banana cake and marshmellows!!!!
ohmygoodness....i can feel that chocolate craving coming on again!!!!
and all those delicious yummy fruity stuff are served with milk, dark and white chocolate!!!!!
ohmygoodness!!!! heaven!!!!
i love my daddy!!!!!
okay...u're so totally gg to love the pictures!!!!
ooooooohhhhh...and apparently the waffles there are really nice too!!!!
and brownies!!!!
oh my goodness!!!!!!!
it is juz heavenly!!!!!!!!!!!
i muz go again after i get my pay.
yes, i do know how to enjoy life, the bill was unbelievable. and given my current financial status it was astronomical.
dessert for three...
but it was definitely worth it!!!!!
okay next up was the....ohh...no..
i haven't blogged abt the actual countdown yet..
okay next up was the....ohh...no..
i haven't blogged abt the actual countdown yet..
hahaha...chocolate totally took over my mind!!!
yupz...den when the three of us were so totally indulging in the chocolate peiyan came n join us!!!!
oh my tian!!!
such a happy night!!!!
even though work sucked in the day.
okay. i'll need to blog abt work before i move on to the badminton gathering..hahaha...the things that comes between me and my game.
yup. peiyan joined us and there was benedict and zhenhao too!!!
they sorta help us clean up and the chocolate was really so delicious i simply felt like drinking it!!!
but i was on the point of explosion so i did not. =(. okay. my next targets are annie huihui n xian yee after xian yee come back from korea...
ooooooohhhhhhhh...max is calling out to me!!!!
oooohhhh...so many pictures to upload later.
by the time we were done with max we went out onto the promenade..hmmm..did i get the spelling right??? can someone check for me?? i suck at spelling...
it was so damn crowded!!!!!!!!!
i was almost squashed and ran over by the mob!!!
and the ushers were quite pissy too...
and ofcourse there weren't many average singaporeans...coz average singaporeans are rich and can book hotel rooms...
lots of foreign workers and student and yup, i'm so friendly with all of them like totally man~~.
haha yup.
it was yucky...the sweat the smoke the slang...
thank goodness i had company and we juz camwhored the whole two hours we were waiting...
yup. then came the fireworks.
totally anti climax...
all the trees were blocking me!!!!
and even though i was on the promenade like next to the water i couldn't see the water surface at all!!!!
but i had my cam...
so zhen hao juz got the whole thing down on the cam for us...
sucky...chop down the trees...
yupz...and the crowd clearing out was even worse!!!!
so we decided to kip around waiting for the crowd to clear and we started camwhoring again!!!
den my cam went out of battery!!!
yupz. so we juz rested all our tired feet and decided to sit around on the pavement!!!
yupz den we saw the our nr bus caught in the jam...
so we decided to ask the uncle if we can jump on...eventhough it was in the middle of the road..
and he said yes!!!
so we just ran for it!!!!
but because we couldn't swing over the barriers we had to run around it and mengqi was running so fast the cops almost had to grab her!!!
we got stopped by the police.
so we had to walk to the busstop further on and i met sheila and gang on the way!!!
and the first thing angela said to me in the new year is "what you doing here? go away la!!!"
so the first thing i did to angela which was completely impulsive and not a bad habit was to swing up the finger!!!
and the first thing i did with sheila was to wave hi/bye.
okay...good...its 5:30...almost time to knock off.
heh heh heh.

meng zhi qi and i =)
meng is totally worn out from work.
she is juz too precious for work.

the babes.
zhi qi meng me and peiyan.
i just absolutely love taking pictures in night mode!!!!
hahaha yay!!!

utter insanity

even more insanity

okay....shall continue when i feel like it...a lump blog entry!!!
okay!!! my stapler signaled to me to take a break. it ran out of staples.
haha....lets see...
oh ya...after i said hi/bye to sheila...which was damn cool for a really high night.
ya we boarded the bus and took a never ending bus ride back to meng's place.
and because we were not going to let ourselves go home sober we decided to drop at a secen eleven near meng's place get some booze...hahaha...yes booze...
and maggie and cabbed to meng's place...
oh..i spelt seven wrongly..
den we each had barcadi and we had to practice stealth in case her mum woke up and caught us making extravagant toasts to the year past and coming...
okay...it was a realli fun/foggy/fast/un-sober night..
i din really know what i was doing actually...and i split some booze in her kitchen when i was trying to open it...
anyways maggie and booze doesn't go together for me.
i'm a abalone and booze combi person..
i shall steal the pics from meng's blog when i get home and feel like it..
yup anyway i woke up next morning, earlier than meng again...slopped around as though.
AS THOUGH in a drunken stuptor and nearly banged my head against the wall because i was rushing to answer my phone and her floor was really cold and slippery.
hahaha...den i went home after a nice serving of pasta from her mum. =)
i love the food at meng's place!!!!
okay...so tts all for new year's eve.
oh ya.
i'm supposed to do the badminton gathering next...but there was the sg outing.
okay..really short interuption because somehow i juz can't organise good sg outings...no one seems to be free all the time. i dont usually haf problems with class and badminton outings maybe because everyone goes to the same school and lives in the same area. but its really hard when it comes to sg outings...everyone is all over singapore, school or address wise...and everyone has a different cca and the worse thing is all of them are HIGH FLYERS!!! so they're all either really popular or really smart or really involved or all three!!! yupz.
so at anyone time we only had 6 ppl at the last gathering...

dominic with his nice fizzy exotic peachy drink!!!
but well we had our own share of fun..its was at minds...

the old man leonard with his old man latte. lolz. even the drink is so adult-ish

army boy!!!
let me tell all of you he's super color coordinated!!!
he was wearing green shoes and carrying a green crumpler!!!
only he didn't dye his hair green because he's going to shave his head!!!!

this is my nice kiwi fruit drink!!!
lolz. super exotic. hahaha!!!! i love my exotic stuff!!!! hahaha. i want to go to hawaii!!!!

leonard and i!!!
we played true colors!!! its a really fun game to play to get to know each other better, a little painful to know sometimes but ya...it was a cool game. and aparently i am the most likely to eavesdrop on conversations...well i have really sharp ears!!!! i can't help it sometimes..
hahaha...but i'm also the most charitable...i'm most likely to give the biggest cheque to a donation!!!! i can't remember much but leonard wants me to be his sibling if he has a choice!!! and he's a really hot brother to haf!!! hahaha...look at all those muscles... hahaha!!! and leonard is the hottest choice for a secret agent or spy...but not many ppl would like my company for an 80 day tour around the world...thats really sad because i love travelling.!!!!
but yup. so lets play that game again...and we played a bluffing game!!! hahaha..the things that came out were really hilarious!!!! who knows what rock hair is???
hahaha!!!! well we're supposed to come up with a definition for rockhair...and the funny things that came out!!!
okay. pictures when i get home. hmmmm and the brownies there were really nice!!!! absolutely delicious...but the food didn't quite please my plattter...hmmm..i juz came up with tt..hahaha..but i was juz trying to say it wasn't very nice!!!
hahaha...ooooooooooohhhhhh...i can't wait to play true colors again!!!!!!!!

okay. next up is the badminton outing....tsk...okay. my break ends now. will get on when i get home. hahaha!!!
badminton outing!!!
i'm so glad i'm finanlly reaching the end of this post!!! well i guess my life has been rather eventful!!! haha...anyway i was supposed to go to delia's place early on saturday 5/01/08 to help prepare the stuff!!! ooohhh...n i watched avp2 before tt...oh my gosh...such a boring movie!!! i almost died...its so yucky...oh my gosh..all they know to do is fight..and the guy sitting next to me, i swear, almost pee-ed in his pants. seriously. he was like squirming and covering his mouth...tsk.
hahaha..yup...den delia called me n told me there isn't enough charcoal so i had to buy some and drag it all the way to her place..hahaha...six kgs...almost killed me..
hahaha..good thing aaron was there to help me carry the stuff...hahaha..yup n when i got to delia's place it was just pouring!!! POURING!!!!!! so we had to lug the coal from the busstop to her place which was WAY FAR. WAY FAR!!! and we were kinda worried the starters and the coal would get wet..n den we wouldn't be able to start the fire but who knew..the fire was damn good!!!!
and the guys were really nice and decided to be the chefs!!! and i stuck to my new year resolution damn well and didn't yell at that...juz made jokes abt them with them!!! hahaha!!! oooooohhhhhhh...n we played texas whatever...
u noe..that game they played in casino royale?? oh...okay..lost some but it was damn fun!!! den they played mahjong all night. ALL NIGHT after i knocked out at around 4 odd....i am such a normal person..hahaha...but i dont haf any pictures of tt..hahaha... as for the rest of the activities i'll let the pictures do the talking!!!