hey everyone.
bet you're reali enjoying post exams no??
living the live?
slacking around?
going for prom???
going for post prom and getting wasted.
totally fun right???
humping around with strangers, turn your back on the ppl who need you.
real, damn friggin good fun right???
life's fair isn't it.
getting rewarded for all the hard work u put in before the exams.
well, i think life is too damn fair to everyone else and too damn unfair to me.
thought you knew stress???
you know nothing.
life is totally unfair, all u haf to do is wait ur turn ppl.
ya, push for a class reunion, a gathering.
go ahead.
push it to me.
and complain.
the date is bad, ur boyfriend can't make it.
the food is bad.
the venue is bad.
everything is bad.
and why is that so?
because u frigging did not put your valueable input.
ya, you're going away to study in cambridge, the guys are going to enlist.
they can jolly well go as far away as possible because they can come back later.
if you couldn't figure that out before i'm telling you now stupid.
go and live the life.
get wasted till daybreak for post prom.
don't bother to tell me how fun it all was.
don't bother to tell me anything at all.
because we're not related at all.
because i am diseased and sick and dirty and you want nothing to do with me at all.
you just want to get as far away from me as possible.
complain your life sucks.
its not that you don't have the time to waste, but you're juz too lazy to get your ass out of the house while i'll do anything to get out of the office.
ya, you're tired go and sleep. i'll just slog on.
ya, you're video is far to interesting to allow your friend a few lines. ya i understand i totally understand karma will get back to you.
you're so bored from staying at home u can't get onto the mrt, ride a stop and come and watch a movie with me.
you're life is too precious to be wasted on me.
ignore me avoid me. ya, you're getting smart, getting new friends while all i've got is my bad bad luck.
i'm too problematic to keep as a friend, i have too many problems and you have too much enjoy to bother 5 seconds about me.
go and look for new friends, forget about me.
i'm complaining??
why not?
everybody complains and its not like anyone is going to bother.
their lives are all too good to be wasted on me.
ya, ask me for favours, no problem.
you know i wouldn't say no to you.
anything at all.
my money, everything i have, no problem at all.
i hate your attitude you know.
go ahead, forget everything i ever did.
turn your back on me.
i won't forget anything you did.
look for the fun and interesting people of the moment.
turn your back on me.
pretend u understand my problems.
PRETEND to be my friend.
i hate you you know??
i really really hate you now you know.
ya, call me and giggle into the phone, you're having the time of your life and i couldn't be more worse off.
ya, ignore me, avoid me.
don't do anything for me because i'm dirt.
i hate you.
i hate you alot.