hey everyone,
took a little time off from my studies....
and everything else....i guess....
need to blog...
like it has become sort of a habit.
blogging as a form of conclusion.
the tournament.
pre-u sem.
and everything big going on...
but pics for pre u sem not up yet...
but i think post season would be enough for this entry....
juz saw e ad for miss universe 2007, support singapore...
couldn't help but laugh..
singaporeans are juz so funny sometimes.
juz like yesterday.
i got this flyer outside school....
it said:
ever got cheated by fake tutors?
blah blah blah...
i'm a genuine tutor with a degree in blah blah blah...
and i will guarantee results blah blah blah...
oh my gosh!!!
when i first read it i couldn't help but laugh!!!
like totally laugh la!!!!
e guy juz took a gun and shot himself in his leg man!!!!
okay...somehow i don't feel so depressed anymore. life's good after all.
didn't take that many pictures this year...
not as many as last year but
like alot lesser...maybe a little over 100...or close to 200???
i dunno...
juz lesser...
haha...j2 babes and a new interest,
did i mention how much i lou every bit of us???
i simply lou them so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things look juz as good from another angle. =)
haha..look at my secret admirer!!!! looking at me from e corner of her eye!!!!
of course, she's too short to be seen...!!!
ghost captured on screen!!!! ahh!!!

hahaha..my all time favourite hobby!!! sleep people sleep!!!!!
more more more!!!!!

i sorta like woke her up...

and there are also the muggers!!! hahaha!!!!

ghost caught on screen again!!!!!

and again!!!!
and, lets not forget the guys!!!!
thanks for coming down to all our games and skipping all those lessons!!!!
i give u guys credit for being around,
things weren't exactly smooth but we had some fun together. =)

its simply damn funny la...
somehow there's sth in team sports that amazes and pleases me...
anyway, check out the huiqi (ghost)in the making!!!!
there...on the left...
caught in the act!!!!

and i realli do try to stay veri partial all the times.
but outside of training and on days which i juz dont feel like it...
i can't help but say,
there are people who juz pleases me more!!!!

and alas!!!!

the team which i love ever so much and the people who made it happen.
many tears
many laughter
much more to come.
i hope these girls learn to love each other
help each other and well,
overlook one another's flaws.
u're now one family!!!!
of course.
how could i leave out that orange thing!!!!
i lou u meow meow!!!!!

i can't say enough how much i love them
but someone once said,
its the sad and unhappy moments that takes us from one happy snapshot to the next.

and i'm truly glad for all the moments, happy and unhappy we had together.
what i haf for them is more than words could ever say.

well done babes!!!!
u rawk my world!!!!

thanks partner.
lou u forever!!!!
we're like e best leaders ever.....!!!
for some fun.
in loving memory.
team pjc- badminton

for the last time.
the only dory fish team pjc ever had.