Okay, Meng Qi...lalalal
Name twenty people you can think of right now.
Don't read the question(s) until you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose five people to do this.
1. Meng Qi
2. Hui Hui
3. Xian Yee
4. Annie
5. Yvonne
6. Sheila
7. Rusydi
8. Joshua
9. Mr Ear Candy (hehehe..i'm melting...)
10. Piao Piao
11. Patrick
12. Matthew
13. Cheryl
14. Pei Yan
15. Syamil
16. Jian Jun
17. Hui Qi
18. Yi Ling
19. Jonathan
20. Pei Wen
How did you meet #14(Peiyan)?
ahaha..mu #14 is same as meng qi!!!!
Haha back in Commonwealth during sec 1 orientation!!!
she could hardly roll then..now she can fly!!!
woohoo!!! i lou her!!!
What would you do if you didn't meet #1(MengQi)?
I wouldn't be doing this, and i wouldn't be such a bitch in so many ways..
haha...but i lou her as well!!!
What if #9 (Mr Ear Candy) and #20(Pei Wen) dated?
I think pei wen would melt as well....ahaha...
Would #6 (Sheila) and #17 (Hui Qi)?
They already are!!! hehe...in court...den again..i'll slap dem both for not asking me along!!!
Describe #3(Xian Yee).
lolz...my no.3 is e same as mengqi's again..haha...yesh...B-I-M-B-O! can somebody please tell me who wears a sun dress to a fun fair??
ahaha...n she's so paranoid and everything..and lolz...i juz lou her..haha...thank goodness she's in pj...
Is #8 (Joshua) attractive?
erm, haha..i think so, erm small eyes and gentlemanly..lolz..
n a hot bod if i'm not wrong...
budden again this is an extremely subjective question...ask meng qi..haha..
Describe #7 (Rusydi).
lolz, erm ask yvonne? he's nice la i think, n pei yan n zhi qi thought he was hot!!!
Know of any #12 (Matthew) family members?
Nope, I only know love love unites the world and he's dad has a moustache..haha...
What would you do if #18 (Yi Ling) confess to you that he likes you?
she already loves me, no doubt man.
What language does #15 (Syamil) speak?
lameness, he speaks absolute lameness...
Who is #9 (Mr Ear Candy) going out with?
hopefully not tt shortie n probably me!!!! ahaha!!!! i'm melting again!!!!
How old is #16 (Jian Jun)?
erm real age or mentality? erm if its his mentality well...THREE ahaha...
When is the last time you spoke to #13 (Cheryl)?
we haven't been talking normally in a long while..
how'sad...but baby language is good for me..haha..
Who is #2's (Hui Hui) favourite band/singer?
me??? like duh man!!! what a question..
haha..she absolutely loves my singing...ahaha..i love her dancing of course..!!!
Would you ever date #4 (Annie)?
ahaha, i already haf n we're absolutely in love!!! aren't you readers juz jealous??
Would you ever date #1 (Meng Qi)?
erm...k la...i think yes...haha...she's funny and everything but point is i think she'll juz strangle me den skin me alive if i said no..haha..budden no commitments man..haha
Is #19 (Jonathan) single?
aye i dunno le...haven't heard of any scandals about him in pj..lolz but he does haf a hot bod..n he's sporty, n he can sing..lolz...n he's my buddy!!! woohoo!!!
What's #10's (Piao Piao) last name?
Tan! Tan for Tanner! Ha! lolz...meng qi's #10 has the same surname as my #10..ahahah...
aye...her #10 is me!!! ahhaahha
Would you ever be in a relationship with #11 (Patrick)?
dont want la...i prefer guys who are single..
furthermore he has BO...but only after pe la..or sports..haha..
School of #3 (Xian Yee)?
Pjc..like yeah man!!!!
Where does #6 (Sheila) live?
in my heart...!!!
What's your fave thing about #5 (Yvonne)?
she makes me feel like realli smart man..
Have you seen #2(Hui Hui) naked before?
i haf whatever is it tt she has..only with a little added height..haha..
Here are the five people:
i'm so sad to inform u guys tt i can only think of my mr ear candy now!!!
so i shall spare everyone e trouble...
i'm melting!!!!