hey guys
haha....n i was checking out one of my chat logs coz i wanted to share with everyone our discussion with mrs wee on saturday...
budden..i chanced upon some nice memories...
haha...me n coach discussing sheila's birthday...
[05:48:17 PM] .: do u have ani surprises for shelia?
[05:48:22 PM] [ funny bunn: huh???
[05:48:28 PM] [ funny bunn: what kind u want???
[05:48:38 PM] .: i dunnoe lehzz..
[05:48:44 PM] [ funny bunn: we do after she come back huh???
[05:48:49 PM] .: yaa.
[05:49:00 PM] [ funny bunn: can le...i wanna "Play Play" abit...
[05:49:22 PM] .: so give some gd idea...
[05:49:32 PM] .: we buy her another cake..!!
[05:50:01 PM] [ funny bunn: we buy apple strudel la...she like...tt 1 i noe...
[05:50:06 PM] [ funny bunn: coz she always say...
[05:51:07 PM] .: oh okayz.
[05:51:09 PM] .: tat one on me..
[05:51:15 PM] .: when shes coming back?
[05:51:30 PM] [ funny bunn: on man...
[05:51:54 PM] [ funny bunn: erm....on e 10th she will be dropped of at changi jetty lo...[05:53:51 PM] .: wat time?
[05:54:15 PM] [ funny bunn: dunno...but we can ask xh..haha...or we juz wait for next trng...
[05:54:40 PM] .: dey all leaving when??
[05:54:49 PM] [ funny bunn: 6th morning...
[05:54:54 PM] [ funny bunn: veri early...
[05:55:25 PM] .: i noe wat liao..
[05:55:28 PM] .: i tell u wat..
[05:55:35 PM] [ funny bunn: yesh???/
[05:55:49 PM] .: we go fetch sheila n xh back to sch.
[05:55:57 PM] .: .den we get everyone to meet at one time..
[05:56:03 PM] .: den we celebrate for her in sch.
[05:56:12 PM] .: provided her father nt coming to fetch her.
[05:56:15 PM] .: tis one is ur job liao..
[05:56:17 PM] [ funny bunn: oh.........can...
[05:56:21 PM] [ funny bunn: ok lo...
[05:56:32 PM] [ funny bunn: can...hmmm...but what if its like 6 plus liao???
[05:56:58 PM] .: wah..
[05:57:05 PM] .: i ON!
[05:57:10 PM] [ funny bunn: can la..
[05:57:18 PM] .: ur camp when finish?
[05:57:26 PM] [ funny bunn: oh...9th...
[05:57:43 PM] .: oh okay.
[05:57:48 PM] .: u haf one day of rest..
[05:58:14 PM] .: so ur job is to check out whether her dad is coming to fetch her anot...[05:58:18 PM] [ funny bunn: yesh yesh...hmmmmmmm....shall we use e fire hose??? i always liked it alot...
[05:58:27 PM] .: ...................................
[05:58:30 PM] .: use it for??
[05:58:32 PM] .: ??!?!
[05:59:03 PM] [ funny bunn: dunno...
[05:59:11 PM] [ funny bunn: hose her down...heh heh heh...
[05:59:59 PM] [ funny bunn: but of course tt is after we play wif flour and cream and blah blah blah..heh heh heh...den we hose down...for washing up...
[06:00:00 PM] .: early in e morning whens she damn shag?
[06:00:15 PM] .: wah lan a..
[06:00:21 PM] [ funny bunn: no la...they dismiss quite late i think..
[06:00:34 PM] [ funny bunn: maybe..10+ i think...
[06:00:43 PM] .: oh so u mean dey will have a bus back to pjc izzit..
[06:01:00 PM] [ funny bunn: nope...
[06:01:14 PM] [ funny bunn: they will be dismissed at changi jetty...
[06:01:17 PM] [ funny bunn: hmmmm...
[06:01:43 PM] .: oh..
[06:01:50 PM] .: den how come quite late?
[06:02:12 PM] [ funny bunn: as in not early in e morning when she's damn shag....
haha...den after tt we went on to talk abt e aviva open...haha...
but we can tell...plans are usually juz for show..haha...
saturday had e sorta like dialogue session with mrs wee...the teachers n 7 of us from e team.
hui qi had remedial.
e other two guys were at e oscars..
i absolutely love mrs wee...
she's completely understanding and even though she can do much to change our situation for something better.
i can tell she at least bothers to listen to what we have to say instead of brushing us aside and planning how to kill us off one by one....
screw mr chan and mr tan...
after they left we went to look for mrs wee so that we could bitch abt them..haha..
mrs wee was realli nice..she juz listened..made no like comments tt would make her seem like she's taking sides..
but she realli did listen...even though no guarantees i juz appreciated the fact that she...
some high and mighty HOD took time of to listen to us when some lowly under paid teacher from some kind of top jc but behaves as though he as no brains think he's too good for us...
he should go find a tortoise and marry it...
KNN...i serioulsy wanna swear at him...
niwaes he made some comments he shouldn't haf....
he literally said his students "are not very smart people"
he said "you'll regret it when u dont do well for your A levels.
i haf students in my class, up til now their results are still very bad even though the exams are only a few months away..."
and then mrs wee asked him what ccas were there...
den he said "the blah cca..............
AND HONG SENG (badminton senior)
think he's not doing very well either
AND JELAINE (badminton senior)
and another blah cca too,
and they're not very smart people either."
seriously...why dont he go screw himself...bloody wanking faggot...
stinking armpit...
i hope lightning strikes him man...
or like a pot falls on him...
i juz can't stand e sight of him...bloody faggot..
like juz talking abt him makes me BOIL
mr tan din sae much because he didn't want to make anymore "discouraging remarks"
which he shouldn't haf made in the first place...
seriously our first like "talk" with him was seriously f him pls..
i hate his face..
he's so ugly i dont dare to look at him when he's talking...
especially his nose...
can see all those gruesome pores and veins..
we should start a charity for him...
we should call it, erm....
lets think of a realli nice name for this new found charity...
erm "ah tan's
EXTREME makeover"
dunno le..
not veri nice la..
feel free to give me suggestions...
i dunno how to go into detail of how we stabbed the teachers behind their backs in front of mrs wee and how she didn't defend them and juz let us stab them...
it was utterly shiok la...
i dunno if sheila has already blogged abt this on the badminton blog but i think u guys can go check it out...try la...i dunno...
haha..niwaes i think i realli like mrs wee...
and i dont haf to think.
disgusting little imps...
hate ur disgusting lump u call body and tt pile of shit u call head on ur shoulder.
yup...den went to do nyaa with sheila n hui qi yesterday...(sunday)
mich joined us a lil later...
the four brothers tried to sabo us...
we're too good please...
haha...right babes???
and den i juz called mrs wee coz i like talking to her so much...n coz i haf sth to tell her..
but she din answer...n i sorta got so excited i forgot what i wanted to blog abt liaoz...
but its okay...coz logical thinking tells us that monday comes after sunday...
well today was okay ba i guess...
classroom atmosphere was a wierd though...
and den i was seriously lacking entertainment in school please...
but chem was okay....
coz i actually attempted my tutorial before class like the day before so i actually knew what my teacher was talking abt and even though i absolutely got every single question wrong
coz it was organic chem
n boon piao even had to go "yyyyyiiiiiiiiii ttttttttiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggg~~"
coz i was screwing everything up coz the longest chain was seven..but i kept insisting tt it was five..
n when they finally convinced me i only counted 6 coz i missed out the second C in CH3C2H5
but chem was okay today...
den after school took bus to westmall with wenny lisi and jiaqi....
self-entertained myself all the way there...coz sigh...boring ppl...
no la..
think monday blues...
but i monday high...
coz in an attempt to finish my chem tutorial (i onli did two damned questions please) for 3 damned hours....
and so i went to sleep at like 3...
so i wasn't feeling well for awhile...
coz i was rushing out my econs essay in the lib..which i wholesale lifted from e text book...haha...
and den the air in the lib was so damn polluted...
think dunno which ugly ass farted or sth...
i seriously felt like puking and fainting...
and den tt soo hui hor..
she make soooooo much noise coz she kept throwing her pens onto the table...
n den when no ink came out she'll bang e table...
n den hui qi was doing her chi compo...
n den dunno la..haha...
anyways i was juz feeling super irritable...
den finished rushed out n saw wenny, sheila, lisi, jia qi...
haha..dumb my file with dem den rushed to e washroom incase i wanted to puke...haha...
washed up a lil den rushed out...
haha...den yup...went to west mall...
tell u wenny and lisi...
i think the both of them can beat meng qi and pei yan at being bimbotic
SUPER DUPER please...
coz there was a food fair at westmall...
n they were getting sausages...
n tt wenny...so smart please..
she was holding the sausages which were in a sorta like paper cup thing...
n lisi was going to poke...
n somehow...
i think lisi is the incredible hulk or sth she's SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO strong..
she poked so hard tt wenny couldn't hold on (orh)...
so wenny dropped e cup~~
and seriously if i were them i wouldn't tell anybody..
but they told me..
so yup...
but super bimbotic..
i couldn't help but blog..
caught in the cross fireV.E.D.tingyz~~ :P:P