hey guys!!!!
i'm back...even though i'm not veri recharged yet...
i hafta blog!!!!
my life is so fun...so..
its best not to let things stack up..
well i can't say the same about my homework...but well...
heck it for now...
no moment better than the present so lets get down to it!!!
starting with tuesday...
the j1 self-leadership camp was total rubbish man,
the first day at least..
as in, i guess i could have been fun..
but after adam khoo...
well i guess i'm immune to emotional blackmail,
seriously...so yup..
i juz gave e second day a miss...
which i'm glad i did coz of course i played badminton!!!! and went for the council camp.
all those who went back to the camp and enjoyed urself..good for you of course...
haha..and s12 onli had 7 attending the camp the second day...
tt wasn't bad...s07 onli had 1...ahaha...
way to go s12!!!!
applause for s07 of course..haha..
as for the council camp...
ahaha...rawked big time!!!!
i enjoyed myself through and through...but that's onli because i couldn't be bothered about rules!
but it ended of real bad and some moments juz pissed the hell right out of me...
but den..right from the start let's go!!!!
heh heh heh...
well the first day i played badminton with the css badminton team..
their coach wasn't around and well i juz went back to look around,
they aren't as bad as i actualli imagined to be..haha..
i guess that's good and the team is in good hands...
well done girls!!!
haha...love u bunch..
and yup...i actually tucked in my shirt through out trng coz they all do and well...
hafta give face or it'll be hard for them to teach the juniors..haha..
yup..niwaes badminton took up the WHOLE moring and i left when meng qi told me that free lunch was served..ahaha...
and since i missed the first morning of the camp...i missed the ice breakers as well...
which is actually kinda a relief for me..
coz i'm horrible at breaking ice with ppl...realli...ahaha...
and hamida totally thawed zephyr for me while i was MIA and they totally warmed up..
u noe...
but lunch was bad man...
real bad.it tasted like poo poo and being pampered little me...
i was like *puke*..u expect me to eat this???
so i ate the little speck of chicken they catered in the little styrofoam box and completely gave the disgusting veggies a miss and the goey rice..
oh my shen...eat it if u like...
den we played station games!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!
total blast man!!! yup, zephyr literally lost every single game we attempted in...
as in not every one but most of them..and since we had to play EVERY game...
haha..we lost almost EVERY game..haha..
but they had fun...and one thing..
i can't believe they're actualli as zi-lian as me...
we took like a hundred and eighty pics...180
even though i was MIA 40% of the time they were awake and we din shower or bunk together..
its like WOW!!!
we're the group that took the most pictures...haha..
i can juz imagine them being like me when they actualli get into JC..haha..

but of course this isn't my darling zephyr..
haha..with a facilitator like myself...
of course onli those posing and smiling like nuts are from zephyr..haha..

it was a real pity xin yue and ashley had to leave halfway...but we enjoyed ourselves anyways before and after that..miss them!!!

haha..look at all their baby fats...
haha...how kiddo-ish
yup..but they're seriously vain..
they wanted to take pics even while they were blindfolded
and i had to go up to them and turn their heads in the same direction before they could pose..

haha...cute little shits...haha..
love them lots...

and then the lecture...in the AVAT!!!! hahaa...will get to tt later...niwaes...
haha...it was boring...
but its the onli time we facilitators even get rest...
coz e kids are "listening" i think..
and the floor is carpeted and the room is air-conditioned
nice place to get into a coma ppl!!! haha...

and while the other facilitators were busy getting comfortable...

my-my...i was juz too tired to care...
so i laid down between the chairs in one of the last rows..haha..
heck the lecture anyways...
been there, heard it..got me nowhere...

of course that wasn't all...
my zephyrs totally rawked the board man...!!!
like totally...
haha..coz the organisers were seriously anal...
i'm so gonna be like anal too...
my zephyrs rawked like whoa!!!!
we had the most solid cheers around la...like we had six or five i think to choose from..
while all the other groups had like
i have a fever
i'm hot
i can't be stopped
ignus rocks
ignus rules
ignus ignus ignus i love u!!!
like howwwwwwww exciting i juz had to pick it up and blog about it...
of course there are more like....
its cold in here
there muz be some aqua in the atmosphere...
blah blah blah...
this 1 was a little bit more complicated so i guess...yup..they deserve less anal-lity...
not forgetting...
gimme a T
gimme a E
gimme a R
gimme a R
gimme an A
oh my god i'm so scared...
yup...that's like all the cheers i heard from the other groups...the main cheer i mean..
occasionally they'll do the
blah blah u blah blah u look like woah!!!
blah blah u blah blah u look like woah!!!
blah blah u blah blah u look like woah!!!
this one was quite cool so well done whoever came up with it..i totally love it la...
and after meng qi arrived i kept gg...
meng qi u brain small u look like woah!!!
meng qi u boob small u look like woah!!!
mengi u bimbotic u refuse to bathe!!!
she totally refused to bathe in school which was good coz the anal bitch...
miss ritzwana..
the teacher in charge
refused to let us use the staff toilet where there was a water heater which was like totally uncool
coz the organisers and facilitators could onli wash up at like 2am and if we showered with cold water we would like super duper get sick and wont be able to run the camp...
and she was damn smart to go screw all the political hoo-haa we set up and get the 5th council (us) so totally hated by the other batches so we onli like had abt nine ppl and we couldn't afford to lose any...
yup..and her reason was because there were other teachers using the toilet...
which was damn BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
coz firstly,
no other teacher would be as dumb as her to go and check if we were using the staff toilet at like 2 plus in the morning (which she totally did, which was how she found out)
and secondly,
the other teachers would understand
and finally,
we're too tired to even GIVE A DAMN!!!!!
that's why meng qi didn't want to bathe in school coz the students seriously screw the washroom...
its like..i fell through the roof there and nobody wanted to fix it up and they juz carry on using the toilet...
seriously...GROSS *bleahx*
so we left the camp during dinner which was followed by group time to go to hui hui's place and bathe at her club house..
which was like 800% terrific coz the water was like super warm and comfy...
and the water didn't come out in dribbles..it was like a waterfall
and the toilet didn't smell and there was no one there...
i would haf given it a 1000%..but it fell short coz it isn't my house...
but of course we faced a little problem before we left...
coz it was e second nite of the camp and we had to do fun nite!!
oh wow so fun i could haf enjoyed myself if they actually hired a male stripper for miss ritz and i watch her go GAGA...
so in other words...
its impossible for me to enjoy myself...
okay maybe i did a little with my group...
those poor things weren't given proper food and as their facilitator...
haha...i felt within myself to steal biscuits meant for supper and like feed them if not they wouldn't be able to work like duh~~
nobody among my ex-co members could work on an empty stomach
especiall the president!!!!!!!!!
i love zephyr anyways...they made me happy when the whole of my batch of councillors except mengqi and hui hui pissed the hell out of me man...
yup...problem before we left...
kel vin yes kel vin..not kel vin...his chinese name when is actually translated to english says kel vin..what a bastard right???
okay...ya i'm juz finding fault with people...
but ya..kel vin wanted us to decorate the ENTIRE hall for fun night (THREE HOURS ONLY) for thirty plus, maybe forty of our JUNIORS....
its like...HUH????????
are u seriously dumb shit or dumb shit???
and we only had 10 balloons..
10...PUH-LEASE DUMB SHIT...i noe u dont haf a brain but bloody please use ur STENCH to think...
so me mengqi n hui hui hecked them anyways and went ahead with our half-hour shower to hygiene...
yup but we were still supposed to get deco and some prizes for the camp...
so we went to shop n save on the way..
couldn't find any deco so we called back and kai yan...vice pres...thank goodness...
said we din haf to get deco..juz get prizes..
which we did...
17++ worth of chocolate...
i'm going to be even more of a bitch and anal bimbo starting from here...
coz seriously...
mailto:!@#$%^&*&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#@@#$%^&*(*&^%$#$%yup..i paid for 17++ of chocolate for the camp..
brought it back and they gave out a pack...
to my darling zephyrs of course coz we produced miss css!!! and like woohoo!!!
princess adila is miss css....!!!!
well done zephyrs!!! love u guys...
and it so happens...
"she's" from my primary school...
totally cool...haha..yes adil..i'm from lps too..haha..
i think u r la...coz my sis said so...but if u're not its okay...i'm from lps anyways...

oops...forgot to rotate e pic...
juz turn ur head i guess...
anyways the chocolate...
they kept the other three packs for the third day...
u noe...best cheer..blah blah blah...
best treasure hunt...
best overall...
best blah blah blah...
and i lost e receipt...
and the anal bitch refuse to let me claim back the money even though the chocolate was sitting there staring at their face and i seriously wanted to be a 100% bitch and bring the chocolate home coz i was leaving already and i couldn't get the money and one pack went to my group...
i juz wanted to get my money's worth..but i didn't coz i gave face to my friends in the board of course...
its like duh~~
why can't i get my money back when u're gonna eat my chocolate and when its staring at ur face???
but of course i didn't let her off easily...
i'm bloggin abt what an anal bitch she is and i totally scammed her...
i told her i was broke and i had to go off already so she had to return me my money...
and she said she didn't haf cash on her (17 dollars..no??? AS IF..i'm in j1 u noe bitch..not k1) so she could onli gimme 10...actually i had
but that was b4 i lost the receipt but i dont care...
i so seriously wish i could like piss her off so tt she can't smile for her wedding photo shot..
yup...she's getting married..poor guy..but its rather kind of her to agree to take care of a blind man for the rest of her life...
i guess...
i guess 7 bucks for the council is nothing...coz i guess i'm actually not tt hard up..i actually had 70..haha...
but its like..oh my shen...are they dumb or what???
and how dare they piss me off when i'm deprived of sleep for like 3 consecutive days???
screw them all...
rubbish people...
yup...but that's not all...(as i've said, 100% bitch, no less maybe a little more all the way gal!!!)
the second night we totally screwed our morals and watch american pie 2 in school...
in the AVAT...
we..ex-councillors..trying to educate the next generation WATCHED PORN IN SCHOOL....while we were waiting for our macdonalds supper to arrive...
well...not porn i guess...
but like unethical movies..
ya...come to think about it it was realli horrible of us...
ya..heck it anyway..
niwaes when the supper arrived me meng qi and hui hui went and collect it..and ren kiat was busy..of course he is..he is camp cheif...oh wow...
he was actualli discussing wif miss ritz(the anal bitch) if we could conduct the next camp or not..
which was like smack her boobs and squeeze his balls...
they're both dumb la..
we're doing our A's next year...i might do it if i totally screw my exams and get retained which wont happen which please like get the hint!!!!!!!!!
and farhan was so engrossed in his porn he couldn't move a muscle...he might get horny...and well...jeremy...it isn't even his responsibility to be at the camp and he was actually nice and NOT anal and he's senior...so its okay if we serve him...
the other two....squeeze theirs balls if they had any...
yup...and thanks to me...we got our drinks coz the delivery guy totally forgot and was about to take off with our drinks and meng qi was so busy bitching..haha and hui hui was blur already..haha...and i saved the day by going "where's the drinks?"
and the three of them went oh ya...
haha..highlight of the day..dumb people's meeting..haha..
yup niwaes we got the food then went back to the AVAT...the lights were off...
coz they were watchin a movie like duh...
and we had to on the lights if not we wouldn't be able to distribute the food...
liek duh~~
and that dumbass of farhan...
like i said dumbass...in his horrible gay pretending to be cool and acian slang
went..."can we off the lights"
its like he was so super eager to watch his porn(the movie was his i think) and of course inconsiderate he couldn't wait for everybody to get their food...irritating ass...
i hate his face...hate is a veri strong word actualli...
i'll put it in a less strong manner...
i absolutely detest and abhor his ugliness and the part i dislike most about him is his ugly short stubby fingers and pig-like character.
e onli strong word i used is absolutely which has a neutral connotation so yup...
he is dumb. he should kill himself. nobody will stop him. meng qi n hui hui n his whole class at ac will agree.
but he's not the worse...
ren kiat seriously pissed me off the last night. seriously completely. he's the god damn president of our batch and we used to be close friends until he started to seriously piss me off. guys and their ego...oh my shen...get over urselves people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by the way, to be anal. i love myself. heeeeeee.
like we weren't supposed to sleep in e AVAT throughout the night coz its some new school policy..DUMB..but we wanted to anyways coz e floor was carpeted, so we asked him if we could sleep there and not on the air-con because e policy juz said we couldn't on the air-con and he totally and completely said YES..
he seriously said YES...he even said he could open the back door for us(to let air in in case anyone of us suffocated, yes he really said in case any of us suffocated) and then after supper at exactly 0130 hours he said. "okay u all have to stop the movie now, GO BACK TO YOUR BUNKS AND SLEEP" which was total BULLSHIT again coz he totally agreed to let us sleep in the AVAT and we told him and he totally denied it la...
he was like "no i din say u all can sleep here, no i din say, go back to ur bunks and sleep"
its like how dare he!!!!!
it would have been okay if he didn't agree in the first place...but it seriously pissed me off coz he juz plain denied that he agreed la!!!
what an arse man!!
so, he and that anal bitch are the kind of obstacles we're constantly talking about meeting councillors...unreasonable presidents and teachers who completely refuse to let go. they haven't been the only ones. and the aren't. note please. present tense...i can go on and on man...but yup...i haven done e birthday surprise thingy which is like RAH!!! so i hafta go to e badz blog now....
tingyz :P:P
for those who think that the AVAT is really called the AVAT, it isn't, its not even A-V-A-T,
its actually the A-V-A theartereate. lolz