hey guys,
i'm back!!!
i'm gonna write a long short story about the past few days!!!!
i dunno who's gonna read it but i love everybody!!!!
only those who love me too of course...hehe...
i don't think i'll put up any pictures today coz i'm too lazy...haha..
but yup...so much has been happening..really.
short notices first..
1-soo hui is super duper cute!!!!!
2-soo hui is super duper poor thing!!! (sdp camp)
3-welcome back xiu yi!!! n xiu xuan!!!
4-my appeal to SA was unsuccessful!!!! (yay!!! i'm set for pj)
5-my appeal for 4 H2 subs was successful (yay!!! i'm in 06s12!!!!)
6-i was in og16!!! (same as ying cong just that she was in aj!!!! yay!!!)
7-i was in 06s19!!!! (same as annie just that she was in nj!!! yay!!!)
8-camp fire was a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!
so that was pretty much a summary about the past few days but there's another piece of shocking news that even i myself got a bloody shock...but yay anyway!!!
i came in 8th for the pjc road run!!!!!
its like OMG!!!!!!!!! oh my rudolf!!!!!woohooo!!!yaya....
so i changed one of darwin's (its a house in pj) cheer to congratulate myself!!!
its a canon (call and response) cheer so here goes...
indade kuchikuchi yi-yi
indade kuchikuchi ting-ting
yi--ting kuchikuchi number eight
NUMBER 8!!!!!
doesn't make sense but i love myself anyways. (super egoistic...thanks thomas!!)
but the point is, i never expected myself to be so close to the top...when i first heard there were only forty medals; twenty for the girls and the others for the guys i was super duper sad cause i really never thought i stood a chance. but out of sheer enthusiasm i ran anyway and oh wow!!! only seven people were ahead of me!!! yipee!!!
wonder when annie is coming back from malaysia...so much to tell her....
yup...n ya..i got my first choice combination...
maths, chem, physics and econs...
whoopeedoo!!! yay!!!
my class is pretty great!!! can't wait to get to know them better!!!
u noe, i really never expected all these.
nobody really knows how much i dreaded coming to pj in the beginning,
i felt ashamed (my whole family went to nj u see...WHOLE FAMILY..mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins...90% of them at least), very, and the outcome of my appeal dealt me a greater blow...i kinda expected the outcome but i was still very disappointed, all the time i spent and everything. my dreams my hopes...seriously...i was in doldrums...
but there wasn't anything i could do at all...i didn't do another appeal to anywhere else because i was well.....i dreaded rejection alot..
furthermore all my friends were posted to jj...
even though at that point i knew i wouldn't like jj much more i wished i was there because at least that was where my friends were...
i simply couldn't accept myself being in pj...
i came anyway (thank goodness!!!!)
and every single person i saw or talked to...i felt like grabbing them all by their necks and snapping their heads off their shoulders...
i hated that feeling...
i belonged..and no matter how much i wanted to be somewhere else...
everyone at pj made me feel like pj is the place for me...
really..everyone was so nice and friendly...
even though a very small group were being hypocritical but well...
den 06s19 came along...OMG...
love them with the whole of my heart....
den netball...love the j1s...helping each other..encouraging one another..whatever to attitudes people!!!! they tried squeezing in n managed....
finally came badminton...(woohoo!!! we rock!!!!! love the whole team!!!!)
let me tell you those people didn't juz tried squeezing into my heart man...
they shoved their hands down my throat took my heart out and stretched it so that all of them fitted in before shoving it back into my chest...
den results came out n i got an "awkward" l1r5...it seems not here not there...
not too bad and not that great....
dealt with a great dilema
to stay or to go....
i swear i would haf been in nan yang-jc now if not for that lousy ceiling in the toilet...
but i was posted here and went ahead with an appeal to sa....
once again...i was told
pj is the place for me
and it is!!!!
haha...but this still isn't my point..
just gets me thinking....
point is i realized pj is my place in the world at this point in time. with six point definitely i'll be somewhere else but with 12. pj is my heaven!!!
pj is new...so its abound with opportunities for every1..in ac or sa..i wouldn't be surprised if i came in 80th for the roadrun...in ac or sa i wouldn't be surprised if i couldn't find a cca that i like...or to be posted into some remote courses that students wouldn't pick or couldn't pick their own students....n well...
new uniforms for me!!!
yay...haha..pioneers buy their uniforms at B.B and Baba...haha...seriously...
maybe other jcs buy theirs at A.A and Ahah..haha..or Hehe and Haha
i know i'm being greedy but all i ask for now...is my mum will "permit" our badminton gathering on wednesday and that the team will do shockingly well this season!!!!!
soo hui is super duper cute. (erhem)
ying cong is super duper mugger. (already)
hui qi is married to maple.
and i love PJC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
signing off
tingyz~~ :P:P:P
while i live, i learn!!!!!