hey guys,
yesterday i put down my options for further education. haha.
the plan was, SAJC, NYJC den PJC.
turned out, SAJC, PJC den JJC. haha.
my parents were very unhappy abt tt. but i like it so who cares.
n tt bloody dumb soo hui, haha, no comments, juz stupidity. haha.
yup, tts it i guess. i keyed my future into a computer, bright prospects i must say~~
my brother called home today.
he'll be back this friday. yay!!!
but he doesn't seem too happy with my resuts either. boohoohoo.....
that's really saddening because i dunno, he always doted on me, n i always seeked his support. but nvm, here's where friends come in, tt i haf plenty. haha. yay!!!
school starts again tml, which is very very bad, because i'm still suffering from post exam trauma, everytime i hear the word homework or studying i can feel my heart falling, right up to my ankle where it gets stuck because my ankle is swollen. haha. i'm smiling at the computer again. DUMB.
u know, time really flies. its been more than a month since i lost my wallet and a week since my watch, but i've already gotten both replaced. my wallet was a gift from my friends, really love it. yay!!! my watch, 150 dollars, fifty from that rich bratty student and a hundred from the depths of my pocket haha. i'm seriously broke. all i have now is my cam yay!!! pictures!!!


imagine how my heart wrenched in pain and fluttered in eagerness when i first saw the watch.
me: do u still have tt purple baby-g???
shopkeeper: which one? the new one huh?
me:no no no, the one with an analogue and digital face.
shopkeeper: *blank look*
me: *scans the shelves*, oh oh oh...that one that one.
shopkeeper: oh.
me: how much is it?
shopkeeper: $148
me: oh * stab me!!! stab me!!!*
haha. i guess that's life, money comes money goes. thats for the average.
for me, money goes, money keeps going.
yup i guess but dear coach bought us a cake for valentine yesterday.wheepee!!! i felt so bloated haha but its chocolate and its HAPPY FOOD!!! yipee!!!

whoopeedoo. that's what the cake looks like. yipee. thanks coachee....
oh ya, and the most important reason why time flies is because its been a week since i feel from the sky. like whoa. seriously, the school got it fixed already but there are still scars, inevitable, juz take a look.

yup, thats the picture i took of the ceiling in the girls toilet in the backstage of PJC's school hall.
see those marks, haha, they belong to me. yay!!
but the school was really fast in cleaning it up, i didn't even have time to take a picture of the debris..haha.
and finally, a horrible horrible picture. its not for the weak hearted.
its juz *bleah*,
that ugliness OMG,
i can't imgine...
brace yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

signing off
tingyz~~ :P:P