hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!
in a
good mood
nothing much
just happy
i got
some sleep
going for
wasn't veri well done
each second
i felt
my chances
very depressing actuallly
i enjoyed myself
two others
who came for trials
complete bimbos
probably will be
forever and always.
was wrong
the seniors
are not
bimbotic at all
they're juz
what i'm used to
a little more
i'll be
super duper disappointed
if i dont
get in
juz the thought
makes me
wanna cry.
i shall
being in a good mood.
the class chalet
a bummer
maybe because
i didn't
participate in
the game.
there was
ONE game.
(i gonna blabber because i wanna complain)
ya there was only one game so what kind of fun was i going to have....i noe(thanks nicole and wilson) for the effort but i still didn't enjoys myself and the guys played ps2 and x-box the entire night and someone slept quite early and quite alot but was still rather irritable because HE complained e air-con was too cold. oh please we're in SINGAPORE and he isn't dumb, in fact he's so bloody smart i'm super duper sure he noes the climate in singapore and u dont actually have to be a bloody genius to noe tt if u've been living here for 16 years. the other thing tt completely pissed me off was e bloody organisation. there wasn't enough money to buy food, some people didnt noe how to let go and relax and some people juz pissed me off. imagine spending the entire night watching guys play video games. one word BORING especially when u didn't feel like sleeping and the guys (thank you for taking our saftey into consideration, really thanks...but...)
discouraged us from going out because there were ppl on drugs juz outside our chalet and i hate doing things when i haf no support so ya....stayed indoors the entire night. that was still okay initially. HOWEVER someone else who didn't sleep the entire night decided not to be irritable, instead she decided to be irritating. juz went for a bloody walk and wanted to be nice so invited u-know-who but she kept making bloody remarks that after a veri long while (i decided to try and be tolerant) i couldnt take it and had to leave the sunrise i was waiting for and walked e bloody way back MYSELF was so super freaked out called and asked syamil to meet me and walk in with me (thank god for him, great friend to haf). then went cycling but bloody phone couldn't stop ringing. enjoyed myseld though even if a little(its the company u see :D). den went back, went for a walk, went for a snack came back in between den finally was left alone in the chalet packed up and den annie popped back and we enjoyed a little girls' fun together (okay i admit we enjoyed home-making, my goodness so *vomitz* we enjoyed packing and cleaning so not *sweet-sixteenish*, in fact its so *desperate housewives*) den tried to get a little sleep but they came back from their games and started filling their waterbombs...water pipes were bloody noisy..sleep??? wat sleep??? den i started waiting....digress abit...i dont mind being ridiculous to make ppl laugh...i dont mind sacrificing my time for nothing in return as long as ppl appreciate my help but i completely dislike waiting.
and waitint and waiting and waiting for....NOTHING at all...got me completely irritated la...i was waiting for my pals to catch a train den we get home together coz i had training in e morning and i didn't sleep at all e previous day so i wanted to get home and get some rest but i rushed and called and decided it was me...so since they couldn't understand how irritable i was after a day of sleep and how anxious i was to get into acjc and how they're stamping on my chance by telling me to wait for this wait for that. seriously first was wait later den start fire, den it was wait for tis person, look for that person and bloody didn't haf everything and food for e bloody bbq den wait for teacher to arrive...wait..wait...wait...wait...wait u bloody hate waiting especially for NOTHING....seriously pissed but ya.......
i'm in a good mood....
signing off